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278 Eliminnating Sexist Language

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278. Eliminating sexist language completed
Total score: 10 out of 10, 100%
the star is correct


* Everyone should know about the health risks associated with his or her job.
Everyone should know about the health risks associated with his job.

1 out of 1
Correct. His or her includes both men and women.

A policeman faces obvious dangers.
* A police officer faces obvious dangers.

1 out of 1
Correct. The term police officer includes both men and women.


*A firefighter also has a hazardous career.
A fireman also has a hazardous career.

1 out of 1
Correct. The term firefighter includes both men and women.


However, a secretary can also injure herself at work.
*However, secretaries can also injure themselves at work.


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Approximate Word Count: 373
Approximate Pages: 2 (260 words per double-spaced page)

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