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Warrior Ethos My first example of when I saw someone demonstrate one of the four tenets of the Warrior Ethos was in Basic Combat Training when my drill sergeants and first sergeants spent an extra four hours on the qualifying range waiting for one last soldier to qualify. The mission for that day was to have the whole entire company qualify using an M16A2 or M4 rifle qualify. There were probably other goals attached to the mission also; such as maintaining basic discipline among all the soldiers and ensuring the safety of everyone, but that was the most important aspect of the mission. There were three days of qualifications, one day of preliminary qualifications, and two days of qualifications. On the first day of qualifications, seventy percent of the company qualified. On the second day of qualifications the whole company got a chance to fire again, whether they were already qualified or not. After the second run through almost eighty percent of the company had qualified. By this……

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Approximate Word Count: 342
Approximate Pages: 2 (260 words per double-spaced page)

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