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Abortion has been around about argument for years on whether it should be legal or illegal or if it is moral or immoral. In this world there are people that are pro-choice or people that are pro-life. First, I will tell you the differences about pro-choice and pro-life. Then I will give you my opinion that many people might agree upon or many people might disagree upon. The definition to “pro-choice is the belief in the right to choose to terminate a fetus (fertilized embryo). Pro-choice is also a movement which fights for the rights of women to have a choice to end unwanted pregnancies.” Those that are pro-choice also believe the fetus should not be considered a life until it can live outside of the mother’s womb. People who are pro-choice believe that the fetus is part of the woman’s body so it should be her choice to have the abortion. They believe the fetus is a blob of tissue and every woman should have control of her own body. Pro-choice people do not……

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Approximate Word Count: 1546
Approximate Pages: 6 (260 words per double-spaced page)

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