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Running head: ADDICTION

Brandon Redmon
University Of Phoenix

Drugs are defined as a chemical substance such as a narcotic or a hallucinogen that affects the central nervous system and used recreationally for certain desirable effects on personality, perception, or behavior (Oxford English Dictionary, n.d). Many recreational drugs are used illicitly and can be addictive. In today’s society drugs are more commonly used and easier to obtain then in our societies past. The main stream drugs haven’t changed in the last 20 years: cocaine, alcohol and prescription medications are still at the top of the list of favorites used today. These drugs are one of societies biggest problems today and have remained an issue for much of its past. The drugs are an issue but the real reason behind this problem is the addictive nature of people today. Being addicted means having a physical or psychological craving for a substance such as alcohol or a narcotic. The……

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Approximate Word Count: 1509
Approximate Pages: 6 (260 words per double-spaced page)

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