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Why You Should Not Disrespect Nco's

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Why it is important not to disrespect to a Non-Commisioned Officer

The Non-Commisioned Officers are the back-bone of the army. They are the true leaders, who lead soldiers in combat and educate them on how to be soldiers. They are always on the front lines of the army and should be treated as such. Respecting a non-commisioned officer is one of the soldiers’ duties and responsibilities in the army. While others look upon the NCOs, the junior enlisted soldiers have to listen to them and show proper respect while around them. They can not disrespect them in any way, or else other enlisted soldiers, and also junior NCOs will get the wrong idea how everything works in the unit. Such actions also make the entire unit look bad among other units that work closly together. Commanders also notice such behavior and begin to believe that the NCOs can not do their job properly by leading young soldiers and teaching them the ways of the army. They will not trust them in leading soldiers in……

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Approximate Word Count: 1535
Approximate Pages: 6 (260 words per double-spaced page)

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