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A Beautiful Mind

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I. Introduction

The movie entitled “A Beautiful Mind” introduces us to a very complex individual in the form of the mathematical genius, John Forbes Nash Jr. (Russell Crowe). The story is a memorable journey from sanity to insanity and back again. As the story goes by, it shows how Nash copes and adapts to the situations in the end. He has recovered to the illness because of his own will and he has learned how to deal with it through different defense mechanisms such as denial, and eventually accepts what he is into; and with the support of his wife. John Nash married the love of his life, Alicia Larde (Jennifer Connelly). Alicia often becomes the key anchor he has to hold on to in the real world as he suffers from intense bouts of hallucinations due to his growing mental illness. Her love for him and her devotion to him allows Nash to finally learn to cope with his illness and live a long life full of meaning, something that culminates when he wins a Nobel Prize. In his……

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Approximate Word Count: 1777
Approximate Pages: 7 (260 words per double-spaced page)

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